
SIYE Time:10:28 on 5th January 2025
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Reviews For

Reviewer: amy1997 Signed Date: 2012.03.18 - 05:31PM Title: The Horse and the Stag


No Review

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2012.03.18 - 04:07PM Title: The Horse and the Stag


Understandably it was a difficult time for Ginny as she saw first hand all the glances Harry was making in Cho's direction...and his explanation, though she might have wished she'd never asked!, about why he seemed to be thinkin about his happiest memory for his already mastered corpeal patronus would have beeen another blow for her.

Author's Response: indeed i believe it was!

Reviewer: stupidamerican05 Signed Date: 2011.11.20 - 02:03PM Title: The Horse and the Stag


I begun reading from the beginning after seeing the Silver Trinket Award. I love the quote you chose for this chapter. I'm a big Wicked fan.

Reviewer: riegert8 Signed Date: 2011.09.13 - 03:03PM Title: The Horse and the Stag


No Review

Reviewer: hpforever85 Signed Date: 2011.09.10 - 04:17AM Title: The Horse and the Stag


No Review

Reviewer: lanalang Signed Date: 2011.07.21 - 01:32AM Title: The Horse and the Stag


No Review

Reviewer: Maynooneh Signed Date: 2010.11.09 - 07:41AM Title: The Horse and the Stag


Hi! Great story!
Eh, I have a confession. I've been reading all those stories on here without reviewing - I didn't have an account. If the author had a FF account, I would review there.
However, I made this account just for you! I loved your story and was surprised with the few views. :(
I loved how you portrayed your characters and I just love (LOVE) that someone also liked the fact that Harry's and Ginny's patronuses match - a stag and horse! It really shows how they're both each other's equals, and gosh I just loved it!
Anyway, your new chapter hasn't been validated for days and I was wondering when I would able to read it.
Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: On this site this story has been going pretty slow however it is much more popular on hpff lol. Thanks so much for making and account for me I appreciate it more than u know. Well my chapter just has to be fixed and I just really haven't had time to do so yet. Hopefully by this weekend it will be validated. Thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: GoDons Signed Date: 2010.11.05 - 01:12AM Title: The Horse and the Stag


No Review

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