
SIYE Time:14:13 on 5th January 2025
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Reviews For

Reviewer: Forge2 Signed Date: 2022.12.30 - 04:41PM Title: Chapter 1

Always a fan of twin-centric tales at the Burrow. Nicely done!

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2022.05.17 - 09:15PM Title: Chapter 1


Shared victories lead to lasting alliances?

Author's Response: Yes. Eventually, as this was more of a missing moment from the summer before HBP.

Reviewer: Seeker_Quill07 Signed Date: 2022.05.06 - 02:13PM Title: Chapter 1


No Review

Author's Response: Thanks for the stars.

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2022.05.01 - 11:31PM Title: Chapter 1

I wonder if Fred and George were trying to throw the two of them together ?

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2022.05.01 - 11:31PM Title: Chapter 1


I wonder if Fred and George were trying to throw the two of them together ?

Author's Response: That was my guess as well, but unfortunately Harry and Ginny didn't connect the dots, lol.

Reviewer: GryffindorHealer Signed Date: 2022.05.01 - 07:49AM Title: Chapter 1


Really enjoyed all the pranking, with the added touch of what goes around, comes back again. Nicely done!

Author's Response: Thanks again for reading and reviewing, as well as for your helpful suggestions.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2022.04.29 - 01:23PM Title: Chapter 1


Love it Love it! Brilliant start! The twin terrors got Harry and Ginny good but revenge is sweet - and in this case stinky and messy! ! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D (very disappointed that the site timed me out by the time I finished reading this story and tried to submit my review)

Author's Response: I'm sorry, it's my bad. I forgot to set the completed sign. This one-shot is meant to be a missing moment of the summer after OotP. That's why Ginny is so torn in the final scene. She's not sure what to make of Harrys offer to hang out more, and, sadly, as much as I hate it, there is still Dean she's going to meet at the Hogwarts express. I just didn't mention him to not ruin the ending, lol.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.04.28 - 05:26PM Title: Chapter 1


Oh harry you could have tried a better set of words there…as for the payback, what’s the old saying if you can’t handle the play stay out of the game…kutgw

Author's Response: If you mean the words I assume you the summer after OotP, Harry is almost there, but sadly not quite yet.

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