
SIYE Time:3:25 on 5th January 2025
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Reviews For

Reviewer: FelWraith Signed Date: 2023.06.04 - 05:01PM Title: Chapter 38


Great chapter. Love to see and hear from so many characters. I was wondering how detention would go, and what you came up with almost seems worse than the books while being believably legal/allowed. Thanks for writing!

Author's Response: You don’t know how much that means! I spent a good deal of time thinking up a detention that’d be on the same level of a Blood Quill, but seemed more likely to be legal. The Quill of Echoes being both believable and terrible to you means I hit my mark. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.06.03 - 08:46AM Title: Chapter 38


Nothing like hitting a bees nest with a howitzer…..umbitch needs to go fast before i lose it…..she is a crafty conniving piece of work…at lease its not a blood quill…though I wouldn’t put it past her for using it…kutgw

Author's Response: I wouldn't expect her to be gone anytime soon, but Harry and his friends will certainly not let this go unanswered. I think the back-and-forth between them is going to be fascinating, so I'll be on the lookout for your thoughts as they duke it out. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.06.02 - 11:04PM Title: Chapter 38


Brilliant chapter! Your idea for Umbridge's detention is super creepy and leaves scars of a different kind. Just thinking about it gives me the collywobbles. I was sad that Harry didn't get to participate in the Quidditch tryouts, but I had to smile when both Ginny and Ron made the team. While I liked these two scenes a lot, the last one and its lead-up between the fifth years and Ginny talking about how they aren't learning anything in Defense is what really caught my attention. Bringing Cedric in as the one to approach Professor McGonagall and to try to set the club up legally is much better than when Hermione coerces Harry into leading the clandestine club in canon. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handle the formation of the club when Umbridge starts putting her decrees up all over the school. Well done.

Author's Response: Yeah, the Quill of Echoes creeps me out, too. I was trying for something that was terrible without being illegal, and this rode the line pretty well in my mind. I could imagine a bunch of stodgy governors agreeing that the Blood Quill is out of bounds, but thinking that this punishment isn't as bad. I'm actually really looking forward to writing some exciting Quidditch scenes, but I liked Ron and Ginny getting on the team without Harry there. Having Cedric around means that Harry doesn't have to fill nearly as much of the student leadership void as he did in canon, which I think suits him well. I'm really glad you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm looking forward to your thoughts once the club begins in earnest! Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2023.06.02 - 08:50PM Title: Chapter 38


That's an interesting twist on Harry's detentions. I wonder how that's going to turn out? Same with Cederic organizing the defence club. I'll be looking forward to seeing how this year at Hogwarts goes.

Author's Response: Yeah, I wanted to find something that was terrible without being illegal and/or against the rules. She doesn't have the power to use a Blood Quill on students, but she can still do some pretty terrible stuff in a similar vein. The Defense Club is going to be significantly different from the DA, but I'm hopeful that it'll carry some of the same heart. Thanks for the comment!

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