
SIYE Time:20:30 on 4th January 2025
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Reviews For

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.11.10 - 11:29PM Title: The Actor


Nice twist to the Dumbledore death scene. I hope it won't be proven that Harry killed Dumbledore. Or if he did, he'll just have to go on the run sooner than in canon.

I'm glad Ginny had a fun Valentine's lunch courtesy of Harry and Dobby.

It's good that the only remaining Horcrux is the cup. It's a pity that Riddle turned such priceless relics into abominations, not caring what they meant to the greater wizarding public as historical objects.

Well done.

Author's Response: Yes, but his time on the run will be very different this time. Thanks again! - gd

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.10.15 - 09:06AM Title: The Actor


Well for once in his life Draco was correct…harry really stepped in it this time….snape at lease gave him the courtesy to escape while he could….now we will see what harry will do now….kutgw

Author's Response: Well said! Thankd for reviewing! - gd

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2023.10.14 - 12:57PM Title: The Actor


Escape until a bell you hear.
Our reasons are the same,
But there's no one we can blame,
For there's no where we need go,
And the only truth we know, comes so easily.

Didn't see that ending coming! Harry has a big problem now but I have a feeling Ginny, Hermione & Ron if not others will help!

Author's Response: Surprise! Yes, he will be getting help, not saying from whom just yet. :-) Thanks! - gd

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